In October 2021, the innovative “Digimazing Camp” collaboration between Lucky Chinatown and RSE Academy marked a pivotal moment in empowering youth through technology in Binondo’s vibrant heritage setting. With over a hundred kids participating, the Roblox Coding 101 Workshop and Contest emerged as a cornerstone of the event, blending education with fun in a culturally rich context. This workshop not only illuminated the basics of game development and coding for the young participants but also fostered essential skills such as critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving. The enthusiastic participation and creativity displayed by the students underscored the success of this initiative, highlighting RSE Academy’s dedication to nurturing a new generation of tech-savvy individuals. Through this partnership, both Lucky Chinatown and RSE Academy demonstrated a profound commitment to enriching the community by integrating traditional cultural heritage with modern digital literacy, paving the way for future innovators in the technology realm.